Davis: LiDAR-Vison Campus Dataset

Center for Embodied Autonomy and Robotics (CEAR)
University at Buffalo


We introduce Davis, a comprehensive LiDAR-Vison Campus Dataset, collected at the University at Buffalo using a Boston Dynamics Spot robot equipped with an Ouster OS1-128 LiDAR, ZED stereo camera, and IMU. The dataset includes ground truth point-clouds of the environment (building) collected using a Robotic Total Station and a LiDAR, as well as ground truth trajectories using GPS for outdoor sequences and Aruco markers for indoor sequences. To provide a diverse set of data, we have collected the dataset in various weather conditions and lighting conditions, with each day's data collected at different times of the day over multiple consecutive days. Additionally, the dataset includes all internal data from the Spot robot, such as camera images, IMU data, joint information, and more, making it a rich resource for training and testing various robot perception tasks.


            title={Davis: LiDAR-Vison Campus Dataset},
            author={Yash Turkar, Kartikeya Singh, Pranay Meshram, Christo Aluckal, Charuvahan Adhivarahan, Karthik Dantu},